Cesar niño

We present our new products at Meat Attraction and we go with our own chef

Pefrán acude este año a Meat Attraction, del 6 al 8 de marzo, con los nuevos cuatro sabores de su línea de productos ibéricos ‘PEFRÁN INNOVA’, el Chorizo Ibérico con Ajo Negro, el Salchichón Ibérico trufado y las dos modalidades de Chorizo y Salchichón con Quinoa Real de Cultivo Eco.

Además, el chef salmantino César Niño, del Restaurante El Alquimista, como embajador de Pefrán, cocinará en directo con los ibéricos de la marca salmantina en el escenario de Factory Chef, el lunes día 6 a las 13.00 horas. Presentará varias recetas exclusivas, en las que mostrará originales posibilidades culinarias para el consumo del lomo y los embutidos ibéricos.

Pefrán will be at Stand 4C15, in the exhibition area of the Junta de Castilla y León and the ICE (Foreign Trade Institute). Trade visitors will be able to discover and taste these gastronomic innovations, as well as the more traditional Iberian products that have also been produced for more than 30 years at the company's facilities in Santibáñez de Béjar (Salamanca). The company's managers who will be attending the event will be on hand to provide professionals with details on the production of its high quality Iberian products.

Pefrán cuenta con otras dos gamas: Pefrán Maestro de productos elaborados con carne de cerdo ibérico de bellota y Pefrán Herencia, con cerdo ibérico de cebo. También disponen de la marca Finca Don Pedro, una línea extraordinaria, de máximo refinamiento y elevados estándares de calidad, que se produce como homenaje al fundador, don Pedro Hernández, el abuelo de los actuales gestores.

Ángel Hernández, Ceo and Commercial Director of Pefrán, wanted to highlight that this year marks the 30th anniversary of this family business and "it is very important because it is three decades in which we have worked to improve a very traditional product but always with an eye on innovation and new developments in the sector".

This is precisely the essence of their Iberian Laboratory, where for months they have been shaping the new products they are presenting at Meat Attraction, based on the traditional recipes they have inherited but with very creative nuances, which enhance and enrich the sausages made with excellent Iberian pork and cured in their natural drying sheds between the Gredos and Béjar mountain ranges.

Sergio Hernández, Ceo and Operations Director of the company, assures that "listening to the suggestions and ideas of our customers invites us to reflect, create and experiment with these new recipes and with the Iberian Laboratory that we have created we have a great capacity to adapt to produce customised preparations on demand".

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